Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mark Anderson's 10 Predictions For 2009

1. Add Value to HD Usage
2. Smart Phone Apps
3. China Riots
4. Flash Computer, no moving part, like Mac Air?
5. Wall Computing and Collaboration
6. Light Inexpensive Laptop
7. LTE for 4G
8. World wide spread of Broadband
9. Voice Recognition
10. Internet Assitant

Read it at, Mark Anderson's 10 Predictions For 2009.

Free Agent Nation

Belief Changes!

1. Why risk with one company when you can work with many (like investment, lots of research, solid fundamentals, and Diversification)
2. Work is Personal
3. Work is Fun
4. Board of Directors, "The Strategy Group Therapy", a small self-organized cluster to help the hard-headed and soft-hearted entrepreneur with the same frequency consult professionally and motivate emotionally, "Working solo is not working alone"(an emerging free-agent infrastructure)(instead of office colleges and its benefit)
5. Consumer Union instead of Labor Union (Health Insurance, Office Supply, with economy of scale, and deep discount price, buyers monopoly!) Freelancers Union
6. Talent-Driven Model
7. The New Economic Infrastructure

Free Agent: Evangelist? Ambassador? Anyone?

Hope you find your! Please read Free Agent Nation, by Daniel H. Pink!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Back of the Napkin

The Back of the Napkin

Look, See, Imagine, and Show

1. Solve any problem with a picture
2. The 4 steps of visual thinking
3. The 5 focusing questions
4. The 6 ways we see (and show)

By Dan Roam, Digital Roam Blog

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Outsource what you can


Focus on What you do best, Deal

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What is your Goals?

This is a wrong approach to asking and not specific enough to get a proper answer.

The question is: What excite you?

Excitement is the best to describe Happiness, and way out of Boredom.

"Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all." Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

- Doing the Unrealistic Is Easier Than Doing the Realistic
- Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one (Albert Einstein)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tribe Management

Tribe Management, Seth Godin

"feed and grow and satisfy the tribe"

Friday, September 19, 2008

Alternative Energy

All About: CSP - Concentrated Solar Power, cnn.com/ecosolutions

"CSP is attracting a list of high profile champions in the field of commerce, including venture capitalist Vinod Khosla. Khosla was one of the early backers of Google, Amazon and AOL and his latest venture is to invest in CSP, according to The Toronto Star. He favors CSP over "clean coal," or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) produced coal, arguing that CSP plants are cheaper and quicker to build."

Vinod Khosla Video Interview

Abengoa Solar, CSP Company

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"We tend to assume others think, feel and react to the world the way we do. Psychologists call this tendency “projection”—we “project” our ideas and emotions onto others when we act as if others share them."

“Try to discover what it is you most dislike in others, what you most often criticize and condemn them for. A little elementary self-analysis may reveal that those qualities are hidden in the depths of your own mind and that in criticizing others in this way you are, in fact, unconsciously criticizing yourself.”
(Bikshu Sangharakshita, Essence of Zen)

"When we recognize the places where we have a desire to develop, and begin to grow in those areas, an incredible thing happens: the world seems to grow with us. Others appear to take on the qualities we cultivate in ourselves."

From Are Your 'Projections' Limiting Your Success?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Explaination Problems

Decision Making can come from 2 parts of the brain, Conscious and Unconscious.

When it comes from the conscious part, theory, story, and explanation are logical, based on step by step analysis.

But many times, the snap judgment that comes from the adaptive unconscious part, "the secret locked door part of the brain", thin slicing experiences, explaination usually comes from assumption with no real facts and figures, an assumption made from previous life experience. (Survival Instinct?)

Why people don't really know what they want? Why thinking about it, they want one thing. And when doing it, they accept to want other thing. (Adaptation?)

Why is it just plain better to learn from seeing and hand on experiences? Ask any Pro to give verbal instruction, and it just doesn't feel right.

Sometimes, it is better to say "I don't know" than make up a plausible cases?

Based on my trying to understand of The Locked Door, 2. The Storytelling Problem (Blink, page 62)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Primed for Action

"The Frame of Mindset we are in before action" (Blink, page 53, very very good and true)

How do you set your frame of mind, ready for action?

How do you influences other frame of mind, to be ready for something...

After all, we are sheep in the herd... Unaware of our very own Sub Conscious (Frame of Mind), that is very easily influenced by the Environment and Surrounding.

Go on, lead the herd, simply with Awareness???

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Picasa Web Albums

Geo Tags
Name Tags
1GB Web Based
Upload from iPhoto

Plus, iPhoto upload to blogger.com

1. Picasa Web Albums
2. Uploader from iPhoto to Picasa Web Albums

How is it?

Power of Influence and Conformity

Elevator Psychology and The London Underground

10 Practical Uses For Psychological Research in Everyday Life

10 Practical Uses For Psychological Research in Everyday Life

I like this one,

3. How to persuade others your opinion represents the whole group

If you want to convince others that your opinion is representative of the majority, then just repeat yourself. This surprising psychology study finds that if one person in a group repeats the same opinion three times, it has 90% of the effect of three different people in that group expressing the same opinion.

Source: Everyday Uses of Psychology

Three Rules of Life (and everything else)

1. Your Attitude Is Your Life You can choose your attitude. And your attitude changes your life and the lives of those around you...

2. Maximize Your Options ... In all things, big and small, open yourself to the possible options. Then trust yourself to choose the right one for the moment

3. Don't Let the Seeds Stop You From Enjoying the Watermelon Tell this to yourself every day. It will help change your attitude

Source: The Big Moo, page 133

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Everything is in the Story

What is Your Story?

What happen yesterday. Tell your Story.

The most powerful communication tool for human, because it moves our emotion.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sync Google Calender

How to Sync Multiple Calendars on Google and Outlook

For Mac user, best use iCal as a middleman, but iCal to Outlook is only one way

Need to try and also get more information for this


iStumbler is the leading wireless discovery tool for Mac OS X, a Wifi detector, http://www.istumbler.net/

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Again Why Drupal

After reading a bit old mac magazine article comparing CMSs and concluded with ExpressionEngine by EllisLab with the reason being its ease of use (therefore, easy for passing CMS responsibility to web designer customers) and its support.

Then through EE Showcase, found a few links with a new point of view.

Why We Love Drupal
Why Drupal
Why Yahoo! chose Drupal for an internal site

Monday, August 11, 2008


Read this: Persuasiveness and 6 Weapons of Influence

1. Reciprocation: we try to repay what another person has provided us
2. Commitment and consistency: we desire to be consistent with what we have already done
3. Social proof: we tend to rely on what other people are doing to determine our own actions
4. Liking: we tend to go along with and follow people we like
5. Authority: we feel a sense of duty to follow someone who has authority
6. Scarcity: opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited

To read: "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini"

Source: More on Persuasiveness, Guy Kawasaki

Thursday, July 31, 2008

GoodBerry. Integrating Online Business Tools


"Replace 5+ Systems with One

You used to need 5 expensive and difficult systems to manage your online business - eCommerce, CRM, email marketing and your website. Now you can do it all more efficiently and cost effectively."

Website Edit
E Commerce and Online Retail
CRM to manage Sales and Logistic?
Analytic to understand Sales
Email Marketing to drive Sales

All in one dashboard, at $39 a month

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HTML Open Link in New Window

after link close

Read more on New Windows with HTML and Setting a Default, at Use HTML to Open a Link in a New Window

Monday, July 28, 2008

Tenacity of Purpose

"Tenacity of purpose was vital when I came to dealing with contracts and negotiations..." (Screw it, Let's do it, Richard Branson)

Goals and Terms and Conditions, know what you really want

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Power of FREE!

There is a different between 1 cent and free (zero risk) in buyer decision making process

The Power of FREE!

also interesting:
Bikinis, Babes, and Buying "men with sex on their brains settled for a less lucrative bargain, suggesting they were more impulsive and valued immediate gratification more than the controls" and most affective at point of sale...
The Power of “New”

Neuromarketing Blog where Brain Science meets Marketing and Sales

The Long Tail (Revised and Updated Edition)

The Long Tail (Revised and Updated Edition): Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, by Chris Anderson

Up and coming term of Business and Marketing, a must read!

The Long Tail definition at Wikipedia, "the niche strategy of businesses... that sell a large number of unique items in relatively small quantities"

Web Design and UI Mistake Checklist

the best practice can be found reading 37signals Manifesto at http://37signals.com/manifesto

One link from that on Prioritize: Good Content Bubbles to the Top

Monday, July 7, 2008


a place to start to learn HTML and CSS?


start with html and then CSS

A Guide to Writing Well

got to read this article more

A Guide to Writing Well
, compiled by Joshua Sowin

- write in first person tense
- avoid unnecessary word
- interviews
- what one point
- Intro
- Conclusion (ask question?)

- Humor

- "where should i write"
- and a lot more

PR with Bloggers

More personal, and harder?

SSPR - Please Stop Spamming Bloggers

Read the article above with 5 more links on the topic, ie. Matt Haughey: How to Pitch Bloggers , Pro Blogger: 21 Tips on Pitching Bloggers

Presentation Key

10 points, a the maximum for one sitting
20 minutes for the length
30 points font

10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint from Guy Kawasaki

Networking Basic Concept

To start, work with people that you already know and know you. But to do this, you have to know what you can do for them.

The Art of Schmoozing
- a very good write up by Guy Kawasaki

- Establish a relationship before you need it
- Get out to trade shows, exhibition, and convention
- Ask question and listen
- Have passion
- Follow up!
- 10/20/30 Rule of Powerpoint for business card
- Give favors
- Ask for the return of favors (I like this! "However, great schmoozers ask for the return of favors. You may find this puzzling: Isn't it better to keep someone indebted to you? The answer is no, and this is because keeping someone indebted to you puts undue pressure on your relationship. Any decent person feels guilty and indebted. By asking for, and receiving, a return favor, you clear the decks, relieve the pressure, and set up for a whole new round of give and take. After a few rounds of give and take, you're best friends")

Friday, July 4, 2008

VisualCV - a multimedia resume

"VisualCV offers a "multimedia resume" service to help people find a job, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. VisualCV's service is applicable anytime you want a web page but don't want the hassle or expense of a web site."

The Art of Unintended Uses from Guy Kawasaki blog


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Superstars in Gmail

a nice way to organize your emails with Important, Information, Question, and To Do and Done. Follow the link below for instruction at Gmail blog...

3 Gmail Labs features that will spice up your inbox

Monday, June 30, 2008

Linked In - Professional Network

A social network for "getting to someone in order to make a sale, form a partnership, or get a job... with online network of more than 8.5 million experienced professionals from around the world representing 130 industries"

Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn by Guy Kawasaki


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Napping and Sleeping

Guide to Better Napping

Image Search

a nice way to search for images, using bookmarklets at search engine

Image search bookmarklets: easy find high resolution images, free stock photos, news and portraits photos

basically, you are searching your favorite websites at once through google, as sites search, where you previously determine those sites

Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks

To Do

i have been struggling with To Do and Schedule for a long time.

Few points that are useful:
1. To Do is a Task, determine the different between Task and Project, very important, if you put project equivalent as task, it will be very dismotivating, as it will never be check off
2. A task should be no longer than around 20 minutes

Make your todo's doable

How to do a to-do list

Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, Better

Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, Better

A dozen ways to upgrade your life:

* Hack 1: Empty your email inbox
* Hack 14: Instantly recall all your different passwords
* Hack 22: Make your to-do list doable
* Hack 29: Turn tasks into gameplay
* Hack 45: Search the Web in three keystrokes
* Hack 55: Securely save web site passwords
* Hack 56: Become a scheduling black belt
* Hack 59: Automatically back up your files
* Hack 75: Remote-control your home computer
* Hack 86: Supercharge your Firefox downloads
* Hack 111: Synchronize folders between computers
* Hack 114: Have your Mac and Windows too

Another nice section on lifehacker.com: Google School

Friday, June 20, 2008

Current Interests

Web Design
CSS (php?)
Social Media (New Media? or not just, but productivity tool too)
Google apps
Web base
Project Management (collaboration, knowledge management)
Ruby on Rail

T shirt (marketing, sme, free agent? got to read that book)
Picture (camera, browser)

Blogger Equipment

fun part of the work, shopping for shopping trip

- Light notebook (iBook, Mac Air?)
- Camera (D9 to big, raw important?)
- Video (HD and portable)

Web Redesign Checklist

1. Content
2. Design
3. Program (CMS)

Introduction (Home)
Directory (Categories, Index)
Pages (with Flash, or what engine, photo viewer, shopping card, payment, reservation for hotel)
Tags (planning help)
Image Gallery (Flickr, ...)
Music Gallery
File Gallery (Sales Package, Media Kit, Artwork)
Community Tools (Username, Webboard, Forum, Blog)
Social Media (Google Friends? somthing... Open?)
Email Newsletter

Media Temple - a cool host

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Site Index

How to make a simple site index

Note: this is for wordpress.com, it is a solutiion to free blog, not a professional blog solution

How to Pickup a VC

this one is useful and funny, How to Pickup a VC

a preperation list to not look like an idiot when you need to finance.

More on Why Blog?

Guy Kawasaki interview Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.net

Why Blog?

a few good information on blogging. while trying to figure out the key to it from many of the reason provided, i would guess it is surrounded somewhere around Community, which is Interaction. (a network for a niche) what you can do with that is up to you. alternatively, it can be a personal tools, whatever you want to do with your online notebook.

the last question has good basic information for what in it for small business (#18). is there really a different for individual, small business, and corporation, in term of connection and growth?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Business can benefit from Blog

Blog is News so to benefit, you got to have news to share. News can be about your company, products, services, team, industry, whatever you wish your client would know so that they know you are the best to buy from.

Any innovative business got something they want to share, because it will show that you are at the frontier, that you are their solution. By sharing (resourceful information, maybe not company secret), you are constantly putting yourselves out there, just like any network session. By sharing, you gain friends, who will talk about you in the way that you want them to.

But for them to repeat the right information that would help you sell, you first must present them with the right information, one that is also interesting to them, one that they seek, one that they will be proud to say (repeat) to their friends.

Blogging and Web Design Service

Mr. Problogger is a very good blog on blogging business.

New thing I learn today, "Network Blogging" from 10 Network Blogging Survival Tips Blogging is a great community where people help each other.

What it thought me, apart from making just Web Design, there is Blog services to it. (One time payment vs. Monthly fee) It is more than just setting up the blog with the right platform and configuration and information architect.

It is a daily to weekly posting, and not just you, but a network of you. One important thing though, the job that you choose to accept must be your passion, otherwise, you are stuck with lots of research and writing, which if it is not fun, hard work will be too much to bare.

My interest would be self improvement, small business, sales, marketing, web development, new media, design, property, and some food and hotel. So I will be able to do blog for the business under those categories, because will enjoy it. It is more of a learning than cash.

But it seems like the only way to go for organic SEO and to promote your business website in the internet world, as well as networking.

Google Mac Blog and Contant in Sync

what a wonderful find... Google Mac Blog has many cool toy and tool for Mac and Google user

If you been wanting to sync all your contact from your Mac, iPhone, and Gmail, read more at Mac OS X 10.5.3: sync Google Contacts

Gmail IMAP

One more problem solved. If you are in a situation where you check email in multiple devices, and it is not in sync. Having to do it twice or more, read all new messages and classified on your phone already, again on your laptop mail app, and the email on your web base gmail is still mark unread, try IMAP instead of POP. You only have to do it once...
Read more at Getting Gmail anywhere: IMAP versus POP

Why Gmail?

An article (a bit long) to show you why Gmail work. From 10000 to 0 Emails in an Inbox in 24 Hours

To follow up if really interested, there are a few links in the article comments. Otherwise, for technical and direct from the source, check Gmail Blogs, many cool and useful tips.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails

Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.

A new thing to learn...?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Web Business Model

Beyond AdSense: A Business Model Checklist (for websites and blogs), at LikeItMatters, by Brian Oberkirch

very useful information, if someone want a list of web business model...

For follow up on this post, read "for starters" section to get an idea of the basic, and read this, Living on the Edge: Blogging in the Real World, a how to put blog into work for marketing

One radical idea on Positive Words

We always say positive things

"creating and maintaining a true paradise"

For web designers

a very good blog or website with a lot of resources for web designers and developers, forwebdesigners.com

Great Numbers, Not So Great Design

an interesting article written on hiring big agency vs. small firm for designers and its result, read it at subtraction.com

very nice website also... (want the rating system)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Developing on Mac OS X

The Basic

Less Brightness than Standard Mac Display

For working in a dark environment, sometimes, standard Mac brightness is not low enough, Screenshade can dim it further.

Free at Apple Downloads

Competition: for Branding and Emarketing

Very nice competition services company ePrize.com, read more on the Solutions pages

Alltop Badge Contest

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Arrow indicators reveal who actually sent you email

>> Email sent to just you
> Email sent to you and others (Mailing Lists, Groups)

Activate in Setting - Personal level indicators - Show indicators

Arrow indicators reveal who actually sent you email

Browse Gmail Blog archives for more tips and tricks

2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address

1. You can add username+xanywordx@gmail.com to your current Gmail and the email will still arrive at username@gmail.com. By adding "anyword", you will be able to set up filters, to automatically star, archive, or label this email. (username+anyword@gmail.com)
2. "." in the username are not recognized.

2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address

Friday, June 6, 2008

Drupal Uses

Read the article below for:

1. Why Drupal and not MovableType
2. Drupal Theme
2.1 Blueprint CSS (this can be paste right into page?, note in comments)
2.2 Test site across platform with Browsershots.org
3. Firebug and the ‘It’s all text!’ extensions for Firefox
4. Drupal Potential

= Eureka! Science News just launched!

Blueprint - just add the Blueprint css to page.tpl.php and build your layout from there

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quick Preview

Quick Look feature:
Select almost any file types and number, then just press "space bar" for quick look. No more opening files for preview

Quick Look in Leopard
Files Browsing (Explorer) on a Mac

Cool Hunting


DIY Built Work Shop

I will take every class!

TechShop: Build Your Dreams Here

The Crucible: Industrial Arts Center

Guy Kawasaki
Cool Hunting

Files Browsing (Explorer) on a Mac

Problems from:
-Having to choose and pick lots of image
Basic Customize Finder

Adding Path to Tool bar, Terminal (= Command, as ultimate finder), Showing Path at bottom of Cover Flow mode (Need to use search to show?)

Address Bar and Finder ways

-Setting up Drupal and Command Line
-Show hidden Unix files

Show all files (Unix) in the Finder and Restart Finder
= defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES (with Terminal)
= hold down the Option key, click and hold on the Finder icon in the Dock, select Relaunch (Finder will restart)

Learning the Mac OS X Terminal: Part 1(Mac OS X: The Missing Manual)

Or Quicksilver...

Window Explorer Replacement for Mac:

File browser for the Mac
Search for Finder at versiontracker.com

Google - address bar for finder mac os x
Finder, File Explorer, Browsing, File Management

Friday, May 30, 2008

Drupal on Local Environment (Host) on Mac

HowTo: Create a local environment using MAMP
Read the above carefully
(More Info: http://www.lullabot.com/videocast/install_local_web_server_mac_osx)

Question: Do MAMP effect original OS X security after installation? Do we need to change default MySQL password? Or is it just a virtual host, not related our internet connection?

To Play with Drupal
1. Open MAMP, and Start Server
2. http://localhost:8888/yourdrupaldir/

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Web 2.0

I saw a lot of new Web 2.0 from Fast Company, The Top 10 Websites You Never Heard Of and The Future of Web 2.0 articles (very hard UI btw) and decided not to look further.

I am not into the new technology. I will wait till what is proven and further recommended by trusted source, then try to make use of it. Hard enough trying to make use of the establish ones, following the technology is a whole another profession.

But this one is very interesting though, a Personal Assistance, Sandy

More blog on Web 2.0, TechCrunch and GO2WEB2.0


This is great. And funny. Advertising, not Marketing.

Source: Advertisers Take Heed

Friday, May 23, 2008

Business Card

Depend on your need, but I certainly hope this will do for me.

The Art of the Business Card

But to get this (copy his wonderful idea), there are a few other factors of consideration...

Who is the user and What do they need
What you do and What you are implying

Name Card
Name Cards

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Art of the Start: Guy Kawasaki

The Art of the Start

(for entrepreneurship)

1. Make Meaning, to change the world (the best reason to start) – Quality of life – Right a wrong – Prevent the end of something good

2. Make Mantra (not mission statement, slogan?) – Short, Unique, Memorable – Mantra is for employee, why do we exist – 3-4 words what we stand for
Wendy’s – Healthy Fast Food
FedEx – Peace of mind
Nike – Authentic athletic performance
Target – Democratize design (great design at economical price)

Joke – Dilbert Mission Statement Generator

3. Get Going – Think different (not 10-15%, but 10 times better) – Polarize people (not for everybody, if a perfect product it is mediocre) – Find a few Soul Mates (to balance yourselves off)

4. Define a Business Model – Be specific (the Q: Who is my customer? and How can I get money from them? – Keep it simple! (Cost, Price, Gross Margin) – Ask Women (men just want to kill)

5. Weave a MAT (Milestones, Assumptions, Tasks)
(A pure beautiful ice or snow track, very difficult to Prioritize)
Milestones – agreement, finish design, shipping software
Assumptions – sales call per day, customer ROI, installation cost – write them down and test them
Tasks – rent an office – help accomplish milestones and test assumptions

6. Niche thyself
Marketing in one slide
Vertical Axis – Ability to provide unique product or service (so not to complete on price)
Horizontal Axis – value to customer

7. Follow 10/20/30 rule – 10 slides on Powerpoint (Title, Problem, Solution, Business Model, Underlying Magic, Marketing and Sales, Competition, Team, Projections, Status and Timeline) – shorter than 20 minutes – smallest font size is 30 points (only important point, you must know, do not read it)

8. Hire infected people – Ignore the irrelevant (work experience, education)
someone who love the product – Hire better than yourself (if you are A, hire A+) – Apply shopping center test (only hire people who you would jump at them!)

9. Lower barrier to adoption – Flatten the learning curve – Do not ask people to do something that you would not do yourself (wait – Embrace your Evangelists (someone who want to change the world with your product and bring good word forward, embrace them)

10. Seed the clouds (to make sale) – Let a hundred flowers blossom – Enable test drives – Find the true influencers (those who do the work)

11. Don’t let the bozos grind you down


Shopify is another great web tool to easily make ECommerce Store and payment system.

Work with Paypal Pro and Google Checkout, and you can easily modify theme with Liquid.

Related: EJunkies

Google Friend Connect

Enabling users with more ways to do things with friends and Site Owners to have more traffic. Very very nice tool.
(Based on OpenID, OpenSocial, and OpenStandard, it is making a more social, more open, and more useful web)

What is Wiki

Wiki Definition at Wikipedia.

Mean Purpose of a Wiki is for Knowledge Management.

What is the best Wiki Tool? PeanutButterWiki, Socialtext, Wetpaint, and Wikia? Or Wiki.com

Related Post, Project Management

What is Feed

Good explanation from Google, FEED 101

Monday, May 19, 2008


Very interesting Trends and Inspiration Blog, PSFK

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ning: Create Your Own Social Network for Anything

An interesting Website for creating your own Social Network, following the Long Tail concept.

It shows why Niche is the way, and even Facebook and MySpace are having trouble making money. You cannot be One for Everyone.

Source: You may be on Facebook, but the money's in the Long Tail
from The Long Tail
by Chris Anderson

Adapting to Mac

Must Read:
Hack Attack: A guide for switching to a Mac
lifehacker: Posts Tagged “Mac OS X, Keyboard Shortcuts” Quicksilver Video is interesting...

Shortcut List:
Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts

Why Mac:
Thomas Hawk Buys a Mac

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Google Reader is my Newspaper

I choose the content based on my interest, through very interesting Bloggers

Signal vs. Noise Blog

Don't know how they source their information, might be there culture or surrounding?

Property link

Product Interior link

They are my source of News (the new media, blog/s)

With many respect for the publisher

Respect = Power?

Basecamp is awesome

Web 2.0

Is it?

Next Generation Website, Web 2.0

Interactive, Dynamic, Content Management (CMS)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Earth: The Sequel

An interesting book to read, Earth: The Sequel, by Fred Krupp, www.edf.org

Great idea on how to solve global warming, with a Race to alternative energies, with "Entrepreneurs Spirit", and a role of the government. (read more on Cut and Trade)

Watch the video introduction of the book.

Found this book through Tom Peters Blog.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Blog Purpose

A notebook of important things: Note from Web, Note from Books, Note from Ideas.

What it can be:

1. Resume: Self, Sales, Marketing, New Media, Web, Design, Startup, and Property
2. Note of Important Lessons
2. Interest Knowledge Management

What else?

Main Tags:
1. Self = Self Improvement for Happiness and for Work
2. Sales = Love of Sales
3. Marketing = The old and the new marketing lesson learn
4. Web = Web, Technology, Web Design, Web Development, E Commerce, and New Media
5. Startup = Starting a business

6. Design = Art and Design
7. Sneeze = product (or an idea) worth spreading
8. Book = you are what you read
9. Other important words that are of core value

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Steve Jobs speech in 2005

1. Connect the dots
2. Love and Loss - "I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll
on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle."
3. Death - if today was your last day, is this what you are going to do?

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why Sign Up Forms Must Die

A good article from A List Apart, Sign Up Forms Must Die, in a website design.

In summary, Gradual Engagement. First show people why they should care, before making them make a commitment.

Wow! Career Advice

Remarkable Product MEET Perfect Marketing

Dan Pink, Johny Bunko, The 21st Century Career Guide (Remarkable Product)

Johnny Bunko trailer from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

He writes faster than I can read, still stuck with The Whole New Mind, and haven't buy Free Agent yet.

On top of my To Read book now. Specially after seeing this Trailer. Sneezers Tool! (Marketing matched)

The Adventure of Johny Bunko, Begin...

Video: RSS in Plain English

Video: RSS in Plain English
By leelefever

He is remarkable simple, and super functional, super useful

too much information to read, sign up for google reader

1. Finder Information from your Readers (Input)
2. Share with you Readers (Output)

Expand with Pre Qualify Sources = Good Information = Niche Public Personal Opinion (from Experience)


Home of Research = Search for info from your "trusted networks of information" (any websites and blog, those that can be RSS)

Two thing to do;

1. Subscribe to Google Reader
2. Link them with your websites through add google reader (tell google what you like)

Project Management

wiki video explained

it is used for collaboration. Project management in the best possible way through teamwork.

Blog is News

what do you want your news, a story about a dream, what would you want people to remember?

commoncraft.com video

and as Seth Godin will say, remarkable Resume

It is who you are. Your interest.

21th Century = Personal Media (a new politic)

why not do it? scary of failure?

not normal is remarkable.

Social Networking in Plain English

This is great. Social Networking Benefit.

Goal Setting = Roadmap to success (dream)

Good, simple, presentation

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Challenge

"Remarkable is not for everyone"

It would be great if it could be for everyone, but then, it will be normal, and no longer remarkable.

Remarkable is not easy and not difficult. It is just hard. Hard Work is what make it rare. (and fear of failure)

Care / Love / Passion

What make Remarkable?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Marketing Built-In the Product

It is not Advertising. When? Not Post Design, and Not Post Production.

Marketing is built into the product from the start, involving from where the "Story" begin.

For lack of better term, Marketer is the Designer and also the Editor. They are the middle man that understand both side of the equation. Creator world and Consumer world.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Writing the Story

Cut out all the unnecessary words. Keep it simple and relevant.

If it is going to be the best ever and the best in the world, these wording is not needed. It just makes it looks weak, cheap, and meaningless. See how that work. It is weak and meaningless. That stronger.

Sort of, just and Donald Trump, by Seth Godin

Phase One

Good Taste and the Starting Phase vs. Ambition vs. Achievement

It will take a while!

By Ira Glass.

Respect and Thank you. It is such an important to hear.

Publishing Business Model

Chief Editor is a career, best of choice.

Now, what is really that Business Model, how it work, and how to apply it into any business?

Eureka: We’re editors, Signal vs. Noise

The Story

"Story" is the core of Marketing. Write yourself one that will get people excited and convinced. Two Building blocks of a story are the anecdotes, sequence of events creating excitement, and leading to a moment of reflection, raising a question. What do you want those to be, for your product, and more importantly, for you. One that you will live by.

If you got a story, you are already half way there...

Which comes first (why stories matter)
, by Seth Godin, what it takes, to get the idea (value) spread.

And how to make a great story, by Signal vs. Noise and Ira Glass, you got to kill the bad irrelevant parts.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Do what you believe. Have no fear of failure. It is the best way to learn and to set the right assumption, for going forward.

Success don't just come, it is a result of many failures. Cannot wait to that perfect moment, don't know if that even exist.


Don't go look for the one of a life time opportunity.

Look carefully around. Be yourselves. Do what you love.

And play the ones at hand as best as you could. The rest will follow.

Play the "Opportunity at Works"

Don't wait to be given, Take!
Getting vs. Taking, by Seth Godin

Friday, March 28, 2008

The World is Just Moving Too Fast

Must Read:

Wired Magazine, specially Issue 16.04 Tech Biz, all 9 articles

Must Watch:

Open Forum, specially Inside The Entrepreneurial Mind, The Business of Technology, Seth Godin, Sean Parker, Jimmy Wales, Susan Sobbott

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Now it makes a lot of sense.

Asking customer what they want, you will never clearly understand. Give them a set of prototypes, and let them choose and comments, you are on the way.

Yes, question leads to answer, but a vague question open up even more confusion.

Is this why many successfully business have Prototype, from Car, Computer, Software, to Design...

Answer to What do customer really want, When you cannot just simply ask them directly, Making them do your job, When you have to ask and observe...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Catch 22

Mass Marketing is for Mass Product. Generalize the Product to meet everyone requirements, and heavily invest in Mass Marketing to break the clutter, if ever.

The thing with Moore Curve though, from Left to Right, Innovators, Early Adopters, Early and Late Majority (the Majority), and lastly Laggards.

1. Mass Marketing will reach the Early Adopters and bore them with a boring product, therefore, not passing down the word.

2. And, Mass Marketing will never reach the Majority, who gave them no attention anyway.

So why not save on the big mass marketing investment, and invest in the product from the start, and the Sneezer (Early Adopters) will pass down the word to the Majority freely.

Lesson: Invest in the product and start with the best product for Innovators and Early Adopters, who will take it to the Mass for you. Think big and Act Small make even more sense. Even if your product is best for the Mass, it is very difficult to reach them. You have to move from the left to the right of Moore Curve anyway.

And there is very few one good thing that is for everyone. People are different. Clutter...

Why Purple Cow are Rare?

When it is easy. When any body can do it.

Because people have fear, afraid of criticism and failure. Aversion deeply rooted, from the system have shaped us to be and made us believe that it is the right thing to do.

Remarkable one accept that fact that they will fail and being noticeable, leading to criticism. But by being unique and outstanding, you will be able to avoid being invisible.

Criticism does not lead to failure. Contrary, it leads to change and improvement. Playing safe does not change, it maintains. Why are you complaining when you can change, change the world.

Persistence is the will and the way.

Note: Credit and Respect to Seth Godin, The Problem with The Cow

Monday, March 24, 2008

Marketing Consultant Value

Walk the owner shoe, know what it is the best for them. Think Owner. They want the best value for the money.

Have a solution, Immediate Term, and Long Term Plan.

Prepare for the meeting. Talk their language. Research the company situation and web presence, and their competitors. And Alternatives.

Organic Design

Ross Lovegrove: The power and beauty of organic design

The way to Grow and Inspired by Nature... Wow! This is innovation. Watch.


Watch more video from here! Very interesting and diverse from the best people.

Chris Anderson speaks.

What do people really want?

They do not know what they want. And there is no one universal answer. It is a diverse one. Variabilities.

Watch Malcolm Gladwell Presentation on Ted.com on this.

No universal principal, but cluster group will help identify. Embrace human diversity.


"Rule Developing Experimentation (RDE). In short - people do not know what they want and there is not much sense asking them about it directly. The focus groups have no use in this situation and they were NOT used in the cases superbly described by Gladwell from the experience of Dr. Moskowitz. He happens to be my co-author of the book Selling Blue Elephants: How to make great products that people want BEFORE they even know they want them (Wharton School Publishing, 2007) that describes in details all the cases presented. In fact, RDE approach is very different from the focus groups - it presents experimentally designed prototypes to the respondents and asks the consumers whether they like the prototypes or not. RDE never asks what they want. It evaluates their liking (purchase intent) and deducts the best combination of the ingredients (food) or message (ad) or visuals (package, website, magazine cover, etc.)
You can read more about that at www.SellingBlueElephants.com or in my recent article at Daily News and Analysis (http://www.alexgofman.com/Gofman_DNA_10.04.2007.sm.pdf).", Alex Gofman


Great E-Commerce tool to easily setup web store with high standard. Full features from Shopping Carts, Digital Delivery, Promotion, Shipping Calculation, and Payment.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Synthetic Happiness

Another video from www.ted.com, cannot help not posting one more. Synthetic Happiness vs. Natural Happiness.

A point for Sales, if we really want buyer to be happy. Irreversible vs. Reversible. No Refund Policy, Will this make them Happier?!

A point on being Too Ambitious (Unbounded), Remain Joyful and Be Good...

By Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy? www.ted.com

"Our longing and worry are both to some degree overblown because we have within us the capacity to manufacture the very commodity we are constantly chasing when we choose our experience."

Education System

Good points made, like "What happen when Degrees become Abundance?"

Nurture your creativity! Don't let others kill it. This road can be very hard sometime, specially if you are alone. There are people like you, seek them out. How though? Still need to find that answer, maybe the whole argument is wrong. Optimistic right?!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Get It Done or Get It Perfect

A very difficult balance I have been struggling since I started working. Opportunity comes and goes, a very small window most of the time.

But what about today world? Relentless then...? Sanders say. Mean more work. Got to be the best in the world!


Sanders PAL System, forward if you have the Permission, forward if it will Accomplish something, forward if it is not Loaded with emotional words.

Make long url short, TinyURL.

Never BCC if you are not going to do in the real world, read more on email manners that you should have been thought, How To Be a Boor.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Seth Godin

My mentor in Marketing.

Read his Blog daily! Check out his today advice on Resume and Persistence.
SETH GODIN is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change. The Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age.

Reading Tip from Jeffrey Gitomer

My mentor in Sales.

Hope that this does not count as a reproduction, just a great note from Jeffrey Gitomer Weekly Column on his reading tip. He has lead me to the right direction with Little Red Book of Selling. The book that started it all, in Sales and Business, 3 years ago.

"Here are some of my personal reading tips from things I do as I am reading, and after I put the book down:

• I highlight as I read, but I don’t just underline what the author said, I take my own notes as I read.

• I write in the margins and enter my margin notes in an action file. I put thoughts and ideas in writing as soon as they occur.

• I can identify with characters, and characteristics. Most notably Holden Caulfield, he was the first. Then came Sherlock Holmes, Howard Roark, and John Galt. There are many others including, but not limited to. Bugs Bunny, Alfred E Newman, The Cat in the Hat, and Don Juan.

• I discuss to clarify. I talk about what I learned from reading to clarify and affirm my own thinking.

• I take action on things I want to try, or things I’m trying to accomplish.

• I gain insight. Especially when I read about creativity and thinking.

• I am inspired by those in the arts whose paintings, woodcuts, and photographs I admire.

• I adjust philosophies and thoughts when more credible ones emerge. When I read, I’m open to learn, and open to new ideas.

How does reading impact you?

Many people go to the library to read. Libraries are a great place to read and determine if the book is valuable enough to own. Bookstores are where you can purchase books to build your own library. Books are not just for reading; they’re also for reference.

The action plan is simple: Read ten pages a day. At the end of a year you will have read 3,650 pages. My bet is that those pages will teach you more, inspire you more, and earn you more, than the TV re-runs you’re currently watching.

Yes, there are books I recommend to build your library. Go to www.gitomer.com, register if you’re a first-time visitor, and enter the word LIBRARY in the GitBit box."

Full article on 14 March 08, www.gitomer.com, plus his suggested reading and suggested site.

Master Degree

If I had spare money, I might go to school for my master degree, preferably somewhere with great winter season. A full year holiday to escape from it all, build network, get a degree, and hopefully learn something new and exciting.

Thought about it, look into it briefly, there are just not interesting and exciting, worth spending all the money earned. If save some money and goes to school in Bangkok, the course outline is no different from BBA. Nothing like the front line. By the time, if lucky, the knowledge is capture, understood, and pass on by someone who got no experience, everyone else is already jumping to the next planet.

Cannot say the same thing for Bachelor, as good foundation is necessary, but... But because I have no extra cash now and therefore the decision is mine, I am going to do something that is fun, useful, and make money.

Blog is my master, my mentor. I set my own course outline, to what inspire me and what I need to survive in this rapid changing world. Sure, I won't get a degree for job application to increase 10,000 baht/month (ROI would be years if not decades), but I will have an updated knowledge and hand on experience. Just only the stuff that is needed to get the work done properly, and that is overloading already.

I will come back with idea for doctor degree when I get through the dip and graduate my master degree with a 10 times growth on bottom line.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Web Identities

ChangThis is a new kind of media. A form of media that uses existing tools (like PDFs, blogs and the web) to challenge the way ideas are created and spread. They are on a mission to spread important ideas and change minds.

And many more...

Tops Mini Supermarket

Never realize it, it is still a local market. Why don't they market around this idea? Or I just don't get it.

Asking never hurt!

Fresh delivery every morning. (Didn't know that) That is why only bad green apple late in the day and milk always run out. (Thought it was bad management) Early morning people will have beautiful and new apple to choose from, stupid!


Why did it take me so long to start? One of my weakness.

Don't be afraid of what other think. We think differently, and that make us human.

Just post idea and learning as it comes, unedited. And see yourself grow. Perfection is not at the beginning, but an ending that we seek, then maybe, if it is even possible.

One more thing, don't let ideas stuck in your head, you will loose valuable sleep time. Get it out on paper, and move on to the next level.