Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reading Tip from Jeffrey Gitomer

My mentor in Sales.

Hope that this does not count as a reproduction, just a great note from Jeffrey Gitomer Weekly Column on his reading tip. He has lead me to the right direction with Little Red Book of Selling. The book that started it all, in Sales and Business, 3 years ago.

"Here are some of my personal reading tips from things I do as I am reading, and after I put the book down:

• I highlight as I read, but I don’t just underline what the author said, I take my own notes as I read.

• I write in the margins and enter my margin notes in an action file. I put thoughts and ideas in writing as soon as they occur.

• I can identify with characters, and characteristics. Most notably Holden Caulfield, he was the first. Then came Sherlock Holmes, Howard Roark, and John Galt. There are many others including, but not limited to. Bugs Bunny, Alfred E Newman, The Cat in the Hat, and Don Juan.

• I discuss to clarify. I talk about what I learned from reading to clarify and affirm my own thinking.

• I take action on things I want to try, or things I’m trying to accomplish.

• I gain insight. Especially when I read about creativity and thinking.

• I am inspired by those in the arts whose paintings, woodcuts, and photographs I admire.

• I adjust philosophies and thoughts when more credible ones emerge. When I read, I’m open to learn, and open to new ideas.

How does reading impact you?

Many people go to the library to read. Libraries are a great place to read and determine if the book is valuable enough to own. Bookstores are where you can purchase books to build your own library. Books are not just for reading; they’re also for reference.

The action plan is simple: Read ten pages a day. At the end of a year you will have read 3,650 pages. My bet is that those pages will teach you more, inspire you more, and earn you more, than the TV re-runs you’re currently watching.

Yes, there are books I recommend to build your library. Go to www.gitomer.com, register if you’re a first-time visitor, and enter the word LIBRARY in the GitBit box."

Full article on 14 March 08, www.gitomer.com, plus his suggested reading and suggested site.

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